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Building a Civilization: Leveraging Microsoft Learning Tools

Social Studies- Research and Build a Civilization in Minecraft Manitoba Curriculum Step 1: What is a Civilization Teaching the Grade 8 Social Studies curriculum in Manitoba is daunting ( G8 At a Glance poster.qxp (  ) as it starts from the time of early mankind up to the Middle Ages.  Previously, students were taught about several characteristics important to the development of civilizations. They were then placed into random groups to research and present facts about each characteristic. They were also taught about primary and secondary sources of information.  Our teacher librarian worked resourcefully to find physical books and order some using our grant money from the Indigo Love of Reading Grant , related to each civilization. I also taught students how to use our provincially accessible  Britannica resource , as well as World Book Online. Students researched and presented factual information from the Mayan empire up to the Middle Ages. Often, group members did not get a

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